Saturday Fanart Feature : Guidelines

For all the amazing artists out there looking to take part in our weekly feature, we want to make sure everyone gets to display their favorite pieces to your adoring public, and put it in your words. We have several basic rules and I have elaborated on them in detail below, feel free to submit your artwork to me at to secure a week for yourself.

1. Tell Us About Yourself.
There are many sites and individuals that will take someones work, and create a page about them without any sort of approval or say from the artist. This is not what we are about, and we want as much input from you so readers get to know you better as a person, and an artist. So tell us in a paragraph or two about your art history, if you prefer digital or traditional medias, your influences and how it has shaped your life. Please do not include things like “commissions open” or “I have prints for sale” as people can get that information from your site.

2. Image Submissions
Please pick out four of your images max, and they can be fanarts of any game, animation, comic/manga, movie or TV show. If you want to have an original artwork/character we will allow 1 of the 4. We do prefer images to be JPEG, and max 300dpi resolution. The feature image will be 730×511 pixels so we recommend choosing a piece of similar size so not too much is cropped out. If you can even supply it at that size, even better, or else I will do all the hard work. The artwork must also have been created by you, you cannot submit anybody else’s art. That’s kid of stealing. The feature image will not have the “Saturday Fanart Feature” graphics.

3. Tasteful Images Only
Please keep it clean and PG13 as anything unsuitable will not be displayed and we will request a different artwork. Anything overtly sexual, violent, racist, nudes and profanity is not acceptable.

4. Provide Links
Please give us links and/or member name to any of your galleries like Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, Deviantart etc etc. so we can help people find you through social media. We will not display your email, real name (if you prefer to go by a pen name) or any other personal details you do not wish the public to know.

5. Protecting Your Artwork
It is your choice if you want to watermark your images, if you do it on other sites then it is advisable to do it here. If you want one and cannot do it yourself, just let me know and I will do it for you and show a sample for approval.