Once upon a time, the planet Kumalia exploded, showering Earth with meteor fragments which caused the bear population to rise up against humanity. After a fierce battle, humans and bears are separated by the Wall of Severance, but some bears continue to infiltrate the human world disguised as schoolgirls in this strange tale of love, […]
Month: March 2017
Review: Hetalia The World Twinkle (DVD)
Hetalia The World Twinkle is the sixth season of a web comic adapted into an anime about the countries of the world as living, breathing people. While the ‘people’ part of that sentence may be up for debate as they don’t seem to age that much, and when they do it’s sporadic at best, the […]
Review: Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Part 2 (DVD)
The Inter-High is almost over, and the finish line is waiting for the cyclists at the peak of Mount Fuji. It’s not going to be a perfect finish though, as each team begins to fall apart during the mad dash to see who can be the champions. To make matters worse, the Sohoku team aren’t […]
Review: Haikyu!! Complete Season 1 (DVD)
Karasuno High School once housed the greatest boys’ volleyball team in the Miyagi Prefecture, representing the area on several occasions. However, nowadays the team is known as “The Fallen Champions”, alluding to their lacklustre performance at recent tournaments. Hoping to follow in the footsteps of his hero, this label isn’t enough to stop Shouyou Hinata from enrolling. […]
Review: Mushi-Shi Next Passage Complete Season 2 (DVD)
Strange creatures known as Mushi have roamed the earth since the beginning, and have become a regular and disruptive aspect of every day life. However, Mushi can’t be perceived by just anyone, and due to the nature of their existence and variety of abilities, they often cause trouble for people. So it is often left […]
Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Complete Series (DVD)
Gundam, oh Gundam. You beautiful, hyperbolic and endlessly endless thing. I recall being fascinated by its cavalcade of mecha designs ever since I first got into anime over 20 years ago, and to this day seeing a kick-arse Gundam mecha makes me smile. But I have a confession to make – despite my interest in […]
Review: The Future Diary (DVD)
Wow. I knew that this show had a reputation, but nothing could prepare me for what The Future Diary had in store. From the moment I began watching, this anime commanded my undivided attention, presenting increasingly messed up scenarios. Having just finished, I’m positive that I’ll be pondering this show for the foreseeable future. Although I had no idea what […]
Video: StarTech PEXHDCAP60L Review & Demo Reel
It’s video time again! Today we look at how we went with the StarTech PSXHDCAP60L video capture card. This is a rebadged Micomsoft SC-512N1-L/DVI, also known as a SA7160. We run through the initial config and touch on a number of issues we had getting it up and running before following on with some hands-on […]
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap remake gets an April release date
Great news for fans of amazing games – the release of the Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap remake is going to be available on April 18 on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, with the PC version due later on. European gamers with PlayStation 4s are in for a nice bonus as well with the […]
Review: Saekano (DVD)
Obstinately proud otaku Tomoya Aki believes that it’s his duty to share with the world the abundance of light novels, manga, anime, and games that are available. Having converted many of his peers to otakuism, coupled with running an incredibly popular blog based around these interests, it’s safe to say that he is most definitely a pioneer […]