Book of Murder Header

Review: Black Butler: Book of Murder (Blu-Ray)

Following the events of Book of Circus, Black Butler: Book of Murder sets itself up as a mystery with much more to it than meets the eye. Having reason to doubt Ciel’s resolve, Queen Victoria has provided a test to determine his loyalty and suitability to the role his family upholds. Following the Queen’s instructions, the Phantomhive Manor plays host […]

Review: Mr Osomatsu (DVD)

The Matsuno brothers are unemployed sextuplets in their 20s who spend their days mooching off their parents and trying to take advantage of their friends. Any attempts at finding work or getting a girlfriend are quickly ruined by their outlandish personalities and overall resignation at being unemployed NEETs. But despite their shared penchant for wacky […]

February 2017, Nisekoi Season 2, Feature image

Review: Nisekoi Season 2 Collection (DVD)

Nisekoi’s first season, on the whole, managed to succeed on its own terms by challenging its harem tropes through improved characterisation. The second season picks up directly from the conclusion of its predecessor with interesting results. Nisekoi Season 2 kicks off with Chitoge lamenting that she has a thing for Raku as a carry over […]

Review: The Empire of Corpses Blu-Ray

Based on a novel by Project Itoh, The Empire of Corpses is an alternate historical, sci-fi thriller based in 19th century London. With the revolutionary ‘Corpse Reanimation Technology’ at the governments fingertips, society is accustomed to zombies in everyday life. In such a world where the dead can walk again to serve the living, would […]

Book of Circus Header

Review: Black Butler: Book of Circus (Blu-Ray)

Black Butler is one of those oddities that somehow successfully combines ridiculous moments that are just so… anime, and profound scenes that can leave you speechless. Rounded off with action that places you on the edge of your seat, it’s not a stretch to say that this series is a masterpiece. However, that term is subjective, and I am well aware that Black […]