The second season of Ajin will be premiering this October, but if you’re looking for a quick fix, two short teasers have been uploaded to YouTube. They’re not too long and in Japanese, but I’m sure that won’t deter fans of the series. For the uninitiated, Ajin is the story of a world where immortals […]
Month: September 2016
Review: Your Lie in April Part 1 (DVD)
When music completely encompasses your life losing the ability to play would undoubtedly be one of your biggest fears. Your Lie in April follows Kousei Arima, who is unable to hear himself play after the traumatic death of his mother. Kousei now adamantly avoids the piano and the competition scene altogether, seemingly content with giving up on everything he’s worked […]
Review: Psychic School Wars (DVD)
Psychic School Wars begins as many anime tend to, with the transfer of a new student. In this particular case, Ryoichi Kyogoku, a student proficient in telepathy, transfers to Kamakura Junior High. After a quick encounter with another student named Seki, who is somehow immune to the psychic influence, Ryoichi goes on to take over […]
The Last Guardian Gameplay Footage
Fans waiting for the release of The Last Guardian have endured a long series of delays. Originally in development by Team Ico back in 2007 for the PS3, the game has since had a troubled development history, and has ended up with developers genDESIGN for the PS4. Despite these production troubles, The Last Guardian‘s director […]
Review: Psycho-Pass Complete Season 1 (Blu-Ray)
In the year 2112 Japan enjoys a state of unrivalled peace. Due to the Sibyl System monitoring every citizen’s psychological state people with criminal dispositions are easily singled out and contained. But not even Big Brother can keep everyone in line from behind a camera. As such, it’s the responsibility of the Public Safety Bureau’s Criminal Investigation Division to […]
Review: Mekakucity Actors (DVD)
After an unfortunate accident involving a soft drink and a computer keyboard, Shintaro Kisaragi leaves his room for the first time in two years to buy a replacement. Along with Ene, a computer program living in his electronic devices, Shintaro makes his way to the nearest department store. But his day goes from bad to […]
Review: Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV (Theatrical)
If it’s not already incredibly obvious, I am very much seated in the first carriage of the Final Fantasy XV hype train. Naturally, it would have been downright blasphemous to miss the theatrical release of Kingsglaive. Taking place during the same time frame as the beginning of the game, the movie sets out to establish the […]
World of Final Fantasy PAX West Trailer
The North American Square Enix YouTube has recently uploaded a trailer for World of Final Fantasy. The trailer was shown during a panel at PAX West, and features a quick 2D animated cut scene alongside the game’s usual 3D visuals. For those unfamiliar with the title, World of Final Fantasy features Lann and Reyne, siblings […]
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 to appear at Tokyo Game Show and more news for Unchained X
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue has been slated for appearance at the Tokyo Game Show this September. A playable demo for the game will be available for people to try out, as well as a trailer. In other KH news, Kingdom Hearts Unchained X has reached its one year anniversary. Accompanying this milestone […]