The story of Berserk is as much of a tale of friendship and adventure, as it is of tragedy and survival. Written and Illustrated by the talented Kentaro Miura, the Berserk manga won the Tezuka Osamu Award for Excellence in 2002. Coming back to watch the original animated series from 1997 has been a real […]
Month: October 2017
Review: Digimon Tamers Complete Series (DVD)
When it comes to shows from your childhood, impartiality can be difficult. Attempting to separate the positive memories of watching early morning television on the weekends from the actual narrative proficiency and entertainment value of a show can be nigh impossible in these circumstances, so strong is the desire for things to be exactly as […]
Review: Sailor Moon S: Part 2 (DVD)
Is there ever a bad time to watch Sailor Moon S? Probably not – it’s generally regarded as the fan favourite when it comes to the 1990s adaptation of Sailor Moon, and this release brings all the excitement to a close in terrific style. After the somewhat anti-climatic finale for the previous set (Usagi saved […]