Shenmue the Animation was a surprise announcement last year, coming out of a co-production between Crunchy Roll, Adult Swim and Sega. With the first episode hitting streaming services on the 6th of February 2022, it is now an official part of the Shenmue pantheon, a series that contains some of the most ambitious technical achievements […]
Tag: Video Games
Unboxing 37kg of Japanese nerd shopping!
Back in 2018 I went to Japan and it was rad. I also managed to sneak in some nerd shopping, and after having 4 boxes of stuff weighing 37kg sitting in my study for 2 years I finally unboxed it and recorded the whole ordeal, then edited it down to 14 minutes because watching the […]
AVCon 2018 round-up
AVCon 2018 happened once again in July, and following on from the last few years’ coverage, Inferno and I were back in attendance to check things out, chat with vendors, take photos of all the amazing cosplay and generally nerd out! Like they do every year, AVCon presents a big mix of interesting nerdy stuff. […]
AVCon 2017 round-up
It’s July and we’re in Adelaide which means – it’s AVCon time! Inferno and I were fortunate to attend Adelaide’s annual AVCon excitement last weekend and had a chance to chat with attendees, visit stalls, take photos and check out what was on show for this year’s convention. As the name implies, AVCon is all […]
Video: StarTech PEXHDCAP60L Review & Demo Reel
It’s video time again! Today we look at how we went with the StarTech PSXHDCAP60L video capture card. This is a rebadged Micomsoft SC-512N1-L/DVI, also known as a SA7160. We run through the initial config and touch on a number of issues we had getting it up and running before following on with some hands-on […]
Nintendo Power Magazines uploaded to online archive
Nintendo’s official North American game and strategy magazine has had its first 145 issues uploaded to First published in 1988, the Nintendo Power magazine’s final volume was released in 2012, making it one of the longest spanning gaming magazines in the US. The online collection shows magazines full of old ads, gamer opinions, strategies, […]
AVCon 2016 round-up
Adelaide’s favourite annual anime and gaming convention, AVCon, took over the Adelaide Convention Centre 15-17 July 2016, and we joined the fray on Sunday morning to check out some anime, buy some merch and play some games. This year’s guests included noted voice actress Caitlin Glass and ABC’s team from Good Game. The morning itself […]
Nintendo’s Two Days of Dreams
Nintendo’s two days of E3 goodness has come and gone. Leaving some hopes fulfilled and others crushed. Being highly pessimistic of the whole endeavour, I am pleasantly surprised with everything. Day one started with a bang, a new trailer for the newly named the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. A brief interlude into […]
Nintendo’s Plans Revealed
With E3 a week away, news is pouring in about what you should expect to see. A short while ago Nintendo’s plans were announced and they were, let’s say, mildly disappointing. Basically, they said that the only game that would be playable would be the new Legend of Zelda. They also said that they would be […]
New Pokémon Trailer Crashes In
For those of you slightly behind the news wave that just hit our shores, a new trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon was released. In it, we were given the most important pieces of information needed for any Pokémon fan. That is to say, both the starters and the legendaries were revealed. This time around […]