Aquarion is a mecha series set in a post-apocalyptic world where the remnants of humanity are harvested by Shadow Angels as an energy source, a little like The War of the Worlds. The Shadow Angels are immortal winged creatures who are vastly more powerful than humans and possess advanced mystical technology. They have awoken after […]
Author: Lomenta
Review: Blue Exorcist Series Collection (DVD)
Often anime series with Western ‘demon’ themes tend to be saturated with complex and impenetrable Christian mythos that leaves people like me (with no real knowledge of the source material) reeling in confused disinterest. Happily, Blue Exorcist is one of those rare series that features these themes but is actually enjoyable and easy to follow. The story […]
Review: Michiko & Hatchin Complete Series (DVD)
Michiko & Hatchin is a unique story set in a fictional country that bears a strong resemblance to Brazil. We’re introduced to the criminal Michiko Malandro, who escapes prison to rescue 10-year-old Hana ‘Hatchin’ Morenos from her abusive foster family. Michiko’s steadfast determination to find her old flame Hiroshi Morenos (Hatchin’s father, thought to be […]
Black Butler – Sebastian Michaelis character doll
Fans of the popular series Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler take note: Sebastian Michaelis is being released in Asian ball joint doll form on Christmas Day 2015. Asian ball joint dolls (BJDs) are detailed articulated dolls with ball and socket joints cast in polyurethane resin. BJDs are primarily intended for adult collectors and customisers. Coming in at […]
New Berserk Anime Coming for 2016
Fantastic news for Berserk fans has arrived just in time for Christmas: We’re getting a new anime adaptation of the Berserk manga from Kentarou Miura! Information is scarce at this early stage, with the format of the anime project being unspecified. We don’t know yet whether it will be an anime series, a movie or […]
Review: Magi: The Kingdom of Magic Pt 2 Collection (DVD)
I was very happy to be able to review the second part of Magi: The Kingdom of Magic and quickly chewed through both discs in the DVD set in just a few sessions without losing interest, which is a big improvement on the first season as mentioned in a previous review. Season 2 part 2 […]
Figure Review: Polynian MMM Shamrock
When I first saw the Polynian MMM Shamrock robot figure by Daibadi I knew I had to have him, but unfortunately at that time he was only available in resin kit form and already sold out. Luckily, Daibadi released a more user-friendly ABS version in August 2015 and I was able to get my hands […]
One Punch Man So Far
Now that One Punch Man has been airing in Japan for a little while it seemed like a good time to talk a little more about this amazing series from Madhouse and how it’s been travelling so far. One Punch Man is an ordinary guy who, wanting to be a hero in his spare time, trained […]
Review: Blast of Tempest Complete Collection (DVD)
It’s hard to write about Blast of Tempest without being too spoilery because the first episode starts off by throwing the viewer in the deep end, not really having any idea what’s going on. Everything’s very dramatic and mysterious (approaching melodrama) but it’s worth sticking with, as each episode fills you in bit by bit […]
Review: Magi: The Kingdom of Magic (Season 2 Pt 1 DVD)
After watching the first season of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic on Netflix earlier in the year I was left a little ambivalent about the series. It started off as a rollicking shounen adventure in an engaging fantasy setting with fun costumes and character designs. It followed a trio of friends – Aladdin, Alibaba and Morgiana […]