Terror in Resonance (TIR) is an 11 episode anime aired between July and September 2014 in Japan. The main characters of this anime are Nine, Twelve, Lisa Mishima, Kenjiro Shibazaki and Five. From the synopsis to me, TIR is related to bombing, terrorists, and cops and this means lots of action, which definitely gets the […]
Tag: tokyo
J-World Tokyo
J-World is located in Sunshine City, which is a short walk from Ikkebukuro station. Sunshine City is a commercial complex that features a variety of facilities including a shopping centre, an observatory, an aquarium and an office building. J-World is an indoor theme park where you can experience a world of ‘Jump’ anime with One Piece, Dragon […]
One Piece Mugiwara Store in Shibuya, Tokyo
My wife and I had the luxury to visit Japan for the first time and being a big One Piece fan myself visiting the Mugiwara Store was top on the agenda. We went to Tokyo and Osaka’s Mugiwara Store, two in Tokyo and one in Osaka. In this post I am solely focusing on the […]