Shenmue the Animation was a surprise announcement last year, coming out of a co-production between Crunchy Roll, Adult Swim and Sega. With the first episode hitting streaming services on the 6th of February 2022, it is now an official part of the Shenmue pantheon, a series that contains some of the most ambitious technical achievements […]
Tag: Shenmue
15 years on, we remember the Sega Dreamcast
On the 1st of April 2001, Sega officially stopped production of the Dreamcast. Despite an enourmous outpouring of creativity and future-thinking, gaming’s great stalwart cut off its home console lifeline in light of the commercial failure of the fight-or-flight console. Kat Bailey put together a fantastic retrospective featuring some interesting insider info from one of […]
Data Discs’ classic Sega OSTs on vinyl
Data Discs, a London-based studio dedicating their efforts to premium vinyl pressings of classic video game soundtracks, have been doing some amazing work of late. In August they released fresh pressings that covered the OSTs for Shenmue on the Dreamcast and Yuzo Koshiro’s excellent soundtrack for the original Streets of Rage title on the Sega […]