Following the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Carcaptor Sakura series, the team at Clamp will be debuting a sequel manga in the shoujo magazine Nakayoshi. No longer an elementary school student, the new series will follow Sakura Kinomoto in her first year of junior high and the events that unfold after she has a mysterious dream. While there has been some speculation on whether the manga will have a substantial run, it has been confirmed to be a series, and not merely the length of a one-shot.
An art book celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the series was also released last month and consists of illustrations featured in the Nakayoshi magazine during the series’ serialisation. However, fans will have to purchase the book online from Japanese distributors as there seems to be no plan for an English release.
The new Cardcaptor Sakura series will be launching in the July issue of Nakayoshi, which will go on sale as early as the 3rd of June in Japan. Here’s hoping to the triumphant return of a classic magical girl series.