In the year 2071, the bounty hunter crew of the spaceship Bebop, comprising former syndicate member Spike Spiegel, ex-cop Jet Black, con-artist Faye Valentine, hacker extraordinaire Radical Edward, and the hyper-intelligent corgi Ein, are pursuing a bounty on Mars. Faye is in the middle of tracking the bounty when a mysterious figure triggers a tanker […]
Tag: Sunrise
Review: Wave, Listen to Me! – The Complete Season (Blu-Ray)
While working her shift at the Voyager restaurant, Minare Koda hears a familiar voice on the local radio station – it’s her voice, and she’s giving a drunken rant about a recent break-up with her ex-boyfriend. Rushing to the radio station, she confronts the producer who she had vented to the previous night at a […]
Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Complete Series (DVD)
Gundam, oh Gundam. You beautiful, hyperbolic and endlessly endless thing. I recall being fascinated by its cavalcade of mecha designs ever since I first got into anime over 20 years ago, and to this day seeing a kick-arse Gundam mecha makes me smile. But I have a confession to make – despite my interest in […]