Akiho Senomiya is part of the Central Tanegashima High School Robotics Club and dreams of making a life-sized and fully functional replica of Gunvarrel, a robot from an old TV show. Unfortunately, Akiho and her video game obsessed friend Kaito Yashio are the only two students in the club and are facing challenges making this […]
Tag: school
Review: Classroom Crisis (DVD)
In a future where the technology to travel space and inhabit other planets has been developed, humans have expanded their reach beyond Earth and colonized Mars. One of Japan’s new prefectures on the planet, Fourth Tokyo, is home to the elite Kirishina Corporation that specializes in the development of space aeronautics technology. The company also […]
Review: When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace (DVD)
A pool episode, a beach episode, and a festival episode, what more could you ask for? When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace has everything a shameless harem needs to be successful! But can it truly be called shameless? Notwithstanding the basic school setting coupled with uninspired character archetypes, Supernatural Battles presents a main character who genuinely deserves the awkwardly placed […]
Review: Assassination Classroom Part 2 (Blu-Ray)
There’s no rest for class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School as the antics of teenage life continue to snowball out of control. Painstakingly balancing their studies, assassination attempts, and personal development, these kids fight to break free of their status as the dregs of their school. Thanks to the teachings of a stoic government official, an immature world-class assassin, and, […]
Review: Saekano (DVD)
Obstinately proud otaku Tomoya Aki believes that it’s his duty to share with the world the abundance of light novels, manga, anime, and games that are available. Having converted many of his peers to otakuism, coupled with running an incredibly popular blog based around these interests, it’s safe to say that he is most definitely a pioneer […]
Review: Wolf Girl and Black Prince (DVD)
Starting your first year of high school can be more than a little daunting for many reasons. In Wolf Girl and Black Prince, Erika Shinohara fears having no friends in class, and she’s willing to lie uncontrollably to make sure that doesn’t happen. This affinity towards lying constantly spins Erika’s life out of control, to the point of […]
Review: Yowamushi Pedal Part 3 (DVD)
The Inter-High continues as the Sohoku Bicycle Team celebrate their first victory of the day in a race between the sprinters. Hoping for another win, the team have high hopes for their climber, Makishima ‘the Peak Spider’ as he takes on Hakone’s climber Todou. All the while, the team aces prepare for the last stretch […]
Review: Yowamushi Pedal Part 2 (DVD)
The Sohoku Bicycle Team are back in the saddle and doing what they do best, eating, breathing, and sleeping cycling. In preparation for the big Inter-High competition, the club continue their training in Hakone, spending their days riding laps in order to qualify for the final line-up. But as first years of the club, Onoda, […]
Review: Yowamushi Pedal Part 1 (DVD)
Onoda Sakamichi is a shy kid who is not particularly good at sports – but what he does love is anime, and he’s been avoiding the train fare and riding to Akihabara ever since fourth grade in order to afford the various merchandise on offer. For a kid who isn’t good at sports, the distance […]
Review: Free!: Eternal Summer (Blu-Ray)
S: If you have ever felt that you’re missing something in your life then chances are that Free! can help fill that void. You may not know it yet, but Free! will soon consume your every waking moment in a way only sports anime can. The sheer excitement that is felt when watching beautifully animated pretty […]