Review: Samurai Flamenco Complete Series (DVD)

Masayoshi Hazama is a model with dreams of becoming a real-life superhero, so he takes to the streets donning his superhero persona, Samurai Flamenco. But without superpowers or a fancy crime fighting suit,  Masayoshi has to start small, and spends his nights targeting teenage loiterers, litterbugs, and purse snatchers. While performing his heroic duties, Masayoshi […]

Review: Samurai Flamenco Part 2 (DVD)

Samurai Flamenco Part 2 picks up the series with Masayoshi now leading his very own team, the Flamengers. After their encounter with King Torture of From Beyond, Mineral Miracle Muse a.k.a. the Flamenco Girls have all but disbanded, but it seems the crazy invaders known as From Beyond aren’t the biggest threat after all when […]

Review: Samurai Flamenco Part 1 (DVD)

Samurai Flamenco follows Hazama Masayoshi, a fresh-faced male model on the verge of making it big by day, and the hero Samurai Flamenco by night. Hazama has always been obsessed with Sentai hero shows. After the death of his parents, Hazama was raised by his grandfather who created the hero character of Samurai Flamenco, and uses this […]