Is there ever a bad time to watch Sailor Moon S? Probably not – it’s generally regarded as the fan favourite when it comes to the 1990s adaptation of Sailor Moon, and this release brings all the excitement to a close in terrific style. After the somewhat anti-climatic finale for the previous set (Usagi saved […]
Tag: Vintage anime
Review: Sailor Moon R – The Movie (DVD)
Sailor Moon R: The Movie was a pivotal moment of discovery as a Sailor Moon fanboy in the 90s. After smashing through the DiC localisation on repeat for so long, the arrival of the internet and a rather spectacular ultimate guide for the series in the April 1997 issue of Animerica (which also featured coming-soon […]
Review: Sailor Moon S: Part 1 (DVD)
Sailor Moon S was once hailed as one of the great mysteries of anime fandom in an era of dial-up modems, Netscape and where Agro’s Cartoon Connection fought with Cheez TV for the number one spot to zone out before heading off the school. Considered by many fans as the strongest story arc in the […]
Video: Review of Goody Japan and pickups
Anime inferno is finally doing the video/YouTube thing! It’s been a while so we’re a little rusty, but we hope you enjoy it. For our first video we’ve reviewed Goody Japan, a Japan-based shipping agent that can allow you to order from Japanese stores and auction sites that don’t normally ship internationally. The second half […]
Review: Sailor Moon R: Part 2 (DVD)
Sailor Moon R Part 2 is the fourth collection from Madman and closes up the remainder of the second core saga from the 1990s adaptation of Naoko Takeuchi’s classic manga. This also represents the first time this arc of the series will be released in full and uncut in Australia, which is great news to […]
Review: Sailor Moon R: Part 1 (DVD)
Ah, Sailor Moon R, what a tragic history you have in the West. When originally aired in 1996 in Australia, the series spent a great deal of time moving through the filler Hell Tree arc before settling into the Dark Moon arc, only to unceremoniously drop off part-way through the series. The abrupt ending left […]
Review: Sailor Moon: Season 1 Part 2 (DVD)
I’ve gushed about my odd love for the 1990s adaptation of Naoko Takeuchi’s touchstone series Sailor Moon many times since getting hooked on the show in 1996. I possibly got a bit unnecessarily nerd excited when reviewing this collection’s predecessor if we’re being objective. I was considering trying to be a bit more level-headed as […]
Review: Patlabor OVA Series 2, The New Files (DVD)
I’ve had a long-standing fondness for Patlabor since watching the first movie during it’s maiden screening on SBS in 1996. A few months back I was lucky enough to review the Blu-Ray release of the first run OVAs and loved it, so it was with some excitement that I slipped in the first of this […]
Review: Sailor Moon: Season 1 Part 1 (Limited Edition) (DVD)
It’s time to share a story. There comes a point where your general interest in anime changes from one of piqued interest to unusually obsessed. For me, this happened through a combination of Astro Boy as a young child then Robotech when it screened over late-1994/early-1995, followed by chance viewings of early Manga Video releases […]
Review: Patlabor OVA Series 1 (Blu-Ray)
There’s something beautiful about the OVAs produced in the 1980s and early 1990s. Buoyed by a bubble economy, the OVA scene produced some truly stunning pieces of direct-to-video animation that we don’t see any more. Headgear’s production of the original OVA for Patlabor falls in this camp, and my god it embodies how the anime […]