In a misguided attempt to save humanity from a “quirk doomsday”, a terrorist organisation known as Humarise develops a bomb filled with a triggering gas that targets people with quirks, causing their abilities to overload and kill them. In an attempt to stop Humarise, the World Heroes Association deploys heroes across the globe to the […]
Tag: My Hero Academia
Review: My Hero Academia Season 5 Part 1 (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
The number one and two heroes Endeavor and Hawks are recovering following their battle with the monstrous Nomu. Although villainous forces continue to push professional heroes to their extremes, life at U.A. High School carries on as Deku and the next generation of heroes continue their training. Separated into teams, students from U.A. Class 1-A […]
Review: My Hero Academia – Season 4 Part 2 (DVD/Blu-Ray Combo)
Deku and Mirio have rescued Eri from the yakuza group Shie Hassaikai and the experiments being performed on her by their leader Overhaul, but not without a price. The two visit Eri at hospital while she recovers and hope to cheer her up by inviting her to the upcoming U.A. school festival, where Class 1-A […]
Review: My Hero Academia Season 4 Part 1 (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
Following All Might’s retirement as the number one hero, Deku is working tirelessly to become the next Symbol of Peace and pursues an internship alongside fellow U.A. student Miro Togata at the hero agency of All Might’s former sidekick, Sir Nighteye. Meanwhile, a yakuza group known as Shie Hassaikai have developed a quirk suppressing drug […]
Review: My Hero Academia Season 2 Part 2 DVD / Blu-Ray Combo
Following their involvement in the U.A. Sports Festival, Class 1-A are taking a break from the classroom and heading off to participate in their first internships at pro hero agencies. Some of the students initially receive several offers for internship, but not Deku – after all, who wants to train a hero who incapacitates themselves […]
Review: My Hero Academia Season 2 Part 1 (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
Deku and the rest of Class 1-A have proven they have what it takes to face off against the League of Villains and come out the other side. Unfortunately, there’s no rest for heroes in the making, and with the annual U.A. Sports Festival upon them, tensions are high as the students of U.A. compete […]
Review: My Hero Academia Season 1 (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
In a world were humanity has manifested a variety of strange and amazing superpowers known as “quirks”, young Izuku Midoriya (nicknamed Deku) dreams of being a superhero like his idol and symbol of peace, All Might. While his intentions are noble, there’s just one problem – Deku is quirkless. But that doesn’t stop him from […]
First Impression: My Hero Academia anime
After some sneaky promos teasing us, the My Hero Academia (Boku no Hero Academia) anime is finally here with about 5 episodes already aired I thought it was about time to check it out on AnimeLab. So far the anime has been incredibly loyal to the original manga, with almost scene for scene animations it’s quite […]
Review: My Hero Academia Vol 2 manga
The Second Volume of My Hero Academia is out, and the pace picks up significantly! The students now have their Hero Uniforms and are ready to take on the Indoor Battle Training exercise, which sees them split into groups of two people per team. One team plays the Hero, and the other team the villains as they […]
Review: My Hero Academia Manga Vol 1
My Hero Academia is one of the next great shounen battle manga, and it has everything that could take it right to the top. Evolving the superhero theme into a society where it has become the norm, children are scouted and trained in mastering their unique talents in order to grow into the heroes they all dream […]