Shinra Kusakabe and the Fire Force Company members have returned from their journey to the Chinese Peninsula, having discovered that the generator powering the Tokyo Empire contains a human with an Adolla Burst inside its core. Meanwhile, the powerful and influential Haijima Industries has been monitoring Shinra and his Adolla Burst abilities, and have been […]
Tag: Fire Force
Review: Fire Force – Season 2 Part 1 (Blu-Ray/DVD Combo)
Following Special Fire Force Company 8’s attack on the White-Clad cultists, Shinra Kusakabe is more determined than ever to stop the cultists’ plans, figure out a way to cure infernals, and put an end to the condition of Spontaneous Human Combustion. But as a pyrokinetic in possession of an Adolla Burst, Shinra’s connection to others […]
Review: Fire Force Season 1 Part 2 (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
Shinra Kusakabe and Special Fire Force Company 8 continue investigating corruption within the ranks of the other Fire Force Companies, all while targeted by the Knights of the Ashen Flame, a group of cultists who seek to exacerbate the condition that causes people to suddenly go up in flames, known as Spontaneous Human Combustion. As […]
Review: Fire Force Season 1 Part 1 (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
In a world where spontaneous human combustion causes people to be transformed into dangerous Infernals, third generation pyrokinetic Shinra Kusakabe joins special Fire Force Company 8 to protect the populace and become a hero. Able to ignite and control fire from his feet, Shinra uses his “Devil’s Footprints” ability to work alongside his new team […]