In the year 2071, the bounty hunter crew of the spaceship Bebop, comprising former syndicate member Spike Spiegel, ex-cop Jet Black, con-artist Faye Valentine, hacker extraordinaire Radical Edward, and the hyper-intelligent corgi Ein, are pursuing a bounty on Mars. Faye is in the middle of tracking the bounty when a mysterious figure triggers a tanker […]
Tag: bones
Review: Show By Rock!! Complete Season 1 (DVD)
Aglow with neon signs and record stores set up on every block, Midi City is home to a race of music loving animal people known as Myumons. On Earth, Cyan Hijirikawa is struggling to work up the courage to join her school’s music club. Failing to do so, she returns home and wallows in self-pity […]
Review: Snow White with the Red Hair (Blu-Ray)
Bearing little relevance to its namesake, Snow White with the Red Hair is a relaxed anime that leaves a lot to be desired. The most appropriate word I found to describe it would be “basic”. While the medieval setting in the anime is preferable over the typical school backdrop, it wasn’t utilised to its full potential. Furthermore, […]
Review: Eureka Seven Ao Complete Series Limited Edition (Blu-Ray)
Ao Fukai is a thirteen year old boy living with his adopted grandfather on Okinawa’s island of Iwado. After his mother disappeared when he was young, Ao has faced constant persecution from the other islanders, his only friends being his childhood companion Naru Arata, and her pet three-toed sloth Noah. While wandering the beach one […]
Review: Space Dandy Part 2 (Blu-Ray)
Space Dandy’s moments of clarity and brilliance carved out a little niche of piqued interest when I reviewed the first season back in December. With season two shining its way onto Blu-Ray I figured it was a good opportunity to see where this delightful space opera could go as it wraps up its seemingly frivolous […]
Review: Space Dandy Part 1 (Blu-Ray)
Space Dandy is about a dandy guy in space. So begins the show’s delightfully off-hand approach to its entire production. It’s so frivolous, it’s actually difficult to work out how to review part 1 of this release. Let’s see how this goes. Titular Dandy is an alien hunter, chasing down errant aliens in order to […]
Review: Blast of Tempest Complete Collection (DVD)
It’s hard to write about Blast of Tempest without being too spoilery because the first episode starts off by throwing the viewer in the deep end, not really having any idea what’s going on. Everything’s very dramatic and mysterious (approaching melodrama) but it’s worth sticking with, as each episode fills you in bit by bit […]