Though not at all a new game, Adventures of Mana has made its way onto the PS Vita. Having already released on Android and iOS earlier this year, this isn’t particularly exciting news, but it’s nice to see this classic game ported to a console.
For those unaware, Adventures of Mana is a 3D remake of Final Fantasy Adventure, the 1991 Gameboy game famous for prompting the popular Mana series, and infamous for its numerous and confusing titles. And here comes one more to add to the list. Originally created as a Final Fantasy spinoff, the game features a top-down perspective focusing on action oriented combat. Unlike the first remake of the game, Sword of Mana, Adventures of Mana is more faithful to the original in terms of story and gameplay.
Get ready to relive this classic adventure with a revamped soundtrack and a familiar world now in 3D. Players are able to purchase Adventures of Mana on the Australian Playstation Store for $20.95. And now, I leave you with the PS Vita release trailer.