I am Setsuna, a JRPG developed by Tokyo RPG Factory and published by Square Enix, has just had its E3 trailer revealed early on the North American Square Enix YouTube Channel. Boasting beautiful graphics, a timeless story of sacrifice, and classical RPG mechanics, the game will be available for the PS4 and on Steam following its world wide release on July 19.
The game follows Setsuna, a girl destined to sacrifice herself for the good of her people to appease the demons that torment them. Assisted by a nameless mercenary, Setsuna begins her journey through a land of perpetual winter to reach the site where the sacrifice will take place
While the trailer emphasises the sadness of Setsuna’s tale, there is no doubt that the game looks amazing and evokes a sense of nostalgia for RPGs of the past. It is also worth noting that while this is the first time we’ve seen a localised version of the game, I am Setsuna has been available in Japan since February on the PS4 and Vita. Whether we will see the game released on the Vita is currently unknown, and will depend on the game’s performance outside of Japan.