If you’ve been alive this past month and have heard nothing about the beauty that is Miitomo, then you’ve clearly been living under a rock the whole time. Nintendo’s venture into the smartphone app world is old news to most, but that doesn’t make it any less relevant.
To be perfectly honest, I expected to burn out on Miitomo by now, yet somehow it keeps pulling me back; excited for what new answers my friends have to the near limitless questions that Nintendo has provided. For those not in the know, Miitomo is more of a social app than a game, where you can add friends through various social network sites or face to face, provided you are lucky enough to meet a real life person. The only “game” that is featured in the app currently is Miitomo Drop, which is essentially a pachinko game where you attempt to drop your Mii or the Miis of your friends onto platforms to win fabulous new fashion items. Believe me, it’s infuriatingly addicting.
Along with Miitomo Drop, the Miitomo Shop boasts a large collection of clothing for you to buy using the in game currency, aptly named Miitomo coins. Along with the constant clothing available at all times, daily showcased items are exhibited to entice those credit-card-trigger-happy individuals who must collect everything. For myself, the daily items are enough to maintain my interest in the routine login ritual, hoping to find some new outrageous outfit to rival the princess dress.
While the app does update clothing items consistently, as well as provide a weekly question for everyone to answer and compare with their friends, Nintendo’s direct involvement isn’t what keeps me entertained; it’s the answers that my friends come up with, and the demanding pressure to live up to the expectations of said friends with my own answers. I just want to make people laugh.
What intrigues me most is that this is achievable on almost any platform, yet it’s the Nintendo branding and the special touch that it brings which makes the answer to what my friends do that makes me happy oddly charming.
Even with only a meagre 9 friends with which to entertain myself, I just can’t put my phone down. If you’re not yet convinced to give it a try then check out #Miitomo on Twitter for some more inspiring answers to your home-bred Nintendo questions and some dubious Miifotos.